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edisi Petualangan Si Joe, menggapai langit-langit mimpi.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My MacOSX aka WinXP

After succesfully brought my FedoraCore 3 to be MacOSX lookalike, now is turn for my windows XP. As usual I try to googling to find the rigth stuff as I needed. its a little bit hard to find, because as you know mostly there is some costs that you have to pay to own software which runs on windows operating system.

What the most glaring you see in MacOSX desktop? yes, it's dock that lies at the bottom of screen. You can see the examples here.
There are few freeware to make the dock in internet. But I think objectdock from stardock site is the most suitable with my taste. Just a few click to install objectdock, then I already have a dock at bottom of the screen to store quicklaunch. Its suprising me that objectdock have so many eyecandy icon collection, and also have good animation when my mouse pointer touch the icon and click on it. And dont forget to load objectdok to the windows startup item.

To completely become MacOSX lookalike, I downloaded the windows decoration, icons set and mouse pointer from the iceman's collection page and I prefer jaguar visual style. Apply to windows theme and alakazaam, my computer now runs MacOSX with jaguar theme.


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